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January 2 ***ALIVE*** Whats this? Endvoid is back? picking up 2+ #endvoid for info June 21 ***DEAD*** R.I.P. EndVoid cs 1.6, one day we may come back, but for now, World of Warcraft ftw April 27 ° Revamped roster: Everyone is cut besides J Wizzy and Beasters ° New Private 1.6 server on the way... ° We have been moved to the inactive team list in CEVO Project Gamer until we have finished our roster changes. April 14 ° In the past 2 weeks, we've had 2 players come and go. We still need 1-2 more East/Central players to finilize our roster. ° This Wednesday is our first regular season match in Project Gamer to be played against NEFarious Gaming. Be on to practice in the days leading up to match day. We're going to need it... ° Quick recap: preseason match 1, Endvoid: 7, Jackpot: 23. preseason match 2, Endvoid: 26, ArmaGeddon: 4. March 30 Everything is all set for Tuesday for our first CEVO Project Gamer match. Be sure to download the CMN client here! |