I DUPED MASS HRS AS YOU COULD SEE YOURSELF I WAS (ATTACKSPEED) BUT FORCED TO MAKE A NEW ACCOUNT - AS YOU REMEMBER I USE TO SELL MASS HRS TO EVERYONE FOR 9-10FG EACH BECAUSE IT WAS NOTHING BUT PROFIT. GMerc Dupe Method ---------------------------- 1.) Person (A) - Enters the game with a Merc with the Gear needed to stack auras. (Use a empty high level char and buy a merc to do this) - This GMercing Char will also be your mule. 2.) Person (B) - Enters the same game that Person (A) is in, with the stuff to Dupe. (HRs would be best because everyone needs them). - And sell them for 7-8fg a piece so everyone will buy. 3.) Then Person (B) must use D2Loader and sign on the same account, and on the same character in advance, but do not try to do anything on him yet. (Switch back to your main diablo screen) 4.) Person (A) Begins to Glitch the Merc (be sure to switch between Fire Aura, and Holy Shock Aura (do 2minutes each) - also type /fps to get an idea of your Ping. 5.) Once the Ping reaches 3,000 consistently, or jumps above 2.9 - 3k alot (4 - 5 times consistantly) then Person (B) - the guy with the stuff to dupe will switch to his D2Loader Screen (same char thats in game on same account) and begin trying to join a different game untill it works. Once it works, follow the steps below. (You'll have two of the same characters in seperate games) 6.) Switch back to your main Diablo II and drop all the stuff to dupe.....then Person (A) will pick it up and Perm off you and leave, then you may exit that game after he has on your main Diablo II Screen 7.) Have Person (A) come in on a different char in to the other game the same character is in (do not join any games with the stuff Person (B) dropped untill you perm his other character out of the other game he joined or all of the stuff on (Person (A) that you just duped will not be there. Viola, repeat time and time again (takes approx an hour to do it, but will not work at night time because the traffic is too low after 1:00 CST. START DUPING UP PEOPLE, LAG BNET UP AND MAKE THEM FIX IT. - YES THIS STILL WORKS, IT WAS NEVER PATCHED.